Level 4 Lockdown and Hokisa
As the country moves to level 4 lockdown, there are a few critical aspects to take into account. All the precautions and preventative protocol that was implemented when the country first went into lockdown still remain in place at Hokisa.

Hokisa continues to create a nurturing environment for all the children during these unprecedented times. The school sends school work for the children to do every day and is supervised by the Child and Youth Care Workers. It is very crucial to stimulation all areas of the children’s well being during these uncertain times.
Lockdown means less economic activities and more strain on our economy. Masiphumelele is one of the South African informal settlements with a high unemployment rate way before lockdown. The president announced the adjustment of Child support grand, Disability grand, pension grand, and the introduction of COVID 19 relief distress grand for the duration of the lockdown. This announcement was welcomed and appreciated by all. However, the application system still remains not user friendly for most people. Everyone has been empathetic and kind towards each other in Masi during these trying times.
Despite the easing of the lockdown, many people remain unemployed and/no means of income to pay their bills and to support their families and extended families.
Thankfully, none of the children, staff, or anyone affiliated with Hokisa has acquired the coronavirus as yet. We wish to thank every and each one of you for your kind messages to wish the Hokisa family well and all your support in different forms.