Continuity of support and managing covid-19

This lock down is not fun! Not for anybody. It is testing our resilience emotionally, physically and financially. Despite this complex and fluid circumstance we find ourselves in, Hokisa continue to create a nurturing environment that enhances the full growth and development of the children.

. The schools continue to send work on different online distance learning platforms as well as printed packs. A well-structured programme is in place to ensure that school work is done swiftly.  The team is doing its best to make sure all work is completed and most importantly that children stay positive during these challenging times. We continue to promote reading to all children. this include bedtime stories,book sharing, the library programme (on hold since lock down) and the older children are encouraged to read to themselves in the evening. we have continued to see progress in all the children schooling achievements.

Since the beginning of lock down most children discovered a lot of passion and abilities that they never realized they have. Most of the older children spend a lot of time helping in the kitchen to prepare a variety of mouth-watering dishes.

With all the challenges and disruptions that the covid-19 pandemic came with, most of our focus and energy has been around managing the daily tasks around covid-19. All covid-19 prevention and precaution measures put in place are monitored to ensure maximum efficiency in curbing the spread of the virus.

The main difficulty we have encountered in the past 4 months is arranging appropriate visiting through the challenges of COVID-19.  Initially as per directives from Government, HOKISA was not allowed to host any visitors. CYCW’s worked hard to maintain telephone contact with families however not all family members have cell phones.Parents have been encouraged to visit at the gate but social distancing must be maintained which detracts from the significance of visits.