Covid-19,Lockdown and mental health
The confirmed Covid-19 cases In South Africa has recently surpassed the 200 000 mark. Stress, anxiety, and a sense of isolation amid the global COVID-19 pandemic and South Africa’s current lockdown can add to psychological distress. Feelings of fear, anxiety, and stress during this time is completely normal and, according to medical journal The Lancet, is an expected outcome for people who have been in quarantine and lockdown situations following past studies on much smaller outbreaks of viruses in previous years.
The Hokisa of CYCW, Social Worker, and Directors have built and maintained a strong support system for both children and adults during these very abnormal times. Another way to alleviate feelings of fear, depression, and anxiety is to keep in contact with family and loved ones where possible.During lockdown family contact is done through voice and video calling. All COVID-19 health and safety protocols are being followed at all times at our Home, including observance of guidelines for social distancing, sanitation and hygiene, and use of
appropriate personal protective equipment, like cloth face masks.

Despite all the challenges that we are confronted with, the children still enjoy their indoor and outdoor activities. The main responsibilities of child and youth care workers is to provide holistic developmental and therapeutic care to the children and youth with whom they work. Hokisa team strive for excellence in service delivery.