Welcome To 2020

Last year was a great year of reflection and celebration on the things that Hokisa has achieved over the years and still strive for excellence in service delivery. With the children back to school and settling into their new grades and schools, the adults are also familiarizing themselves with the changes as well as assisting the children to get back to their normal routine after the long summer holidays.

The festive holidays were filled with a lot of fun activities. Both the children and adults had the most memorable moments of the holidays. Some visited their families/extended families in the area and in the Eastern Cape. The Christmas lunch was one of the highlights and the children showed-off their talent through dancing and singing as part of the Christmas celebration. Of cause the best moment is when they each receive their Christmas presents :-)…..

The Hokisa family wish to express their gratitude for the amazing Christmas gifts and the ongoing support towards this project. With this kind of support we are able to create a nurturing environment and making sure the restoration of the children dignity, confidence and pride.