The confirmed Covid-19 cases In South Africa has recently surpassed the 200 000 mark. Stress, anxiety, and a sense of isolation amid the global COVID-19 pandemic and South Africa’s current lockdown can add to psychological distress. Feelings of fear, anxiety, and stress during this time is completely normal and, according to medical journal The Lancet, […]
Hokisa prides itself on its commitment and dedication to protecting and nurturing all the children in our care. The coronavirus pandemic has challenged our mission and visions in different forms. These unparalleled times have also brought out some goodness in us. We continue celebrating birthdays and appreciate the special moments that we share as a […]
As the country moves to level 4 lockdown, there are a few critical aspects to take into account. All the precautions and preventative protocol that was implemented when the country first went into lockdown still remain in place at Hokisa. Hokisa continues to create a nurturing environment for all the children during these unprecedented times. […]
This is a crazy and overwhelming time to be in the world and South African communities. The lockdown and its recent extension is bringing with it many to leave and survive for so many. As we tread this road of uncertainty on what the future holds for us, we can only pin our hopes on […]
On Thursday night, President Ramaphosa announced a further extension of the national lock down until the 30th of April 2020 to aggressively flatten the curve. The lock down has caused significant disruptions in our daily lives and materially impacted our economy. Thankfully none of the children, staff or anyone affiliated with Hokisa has acquired this […]
These are difficult and uncertain times socially and economically for our country and the world. We are in unfamiliar territory and it is important that we remain calm and focus our energy on the most important asset that we have – our families. Hokisa is also making sure that our children are feeling safe, informed […]
In recent weeks we have seen the increasing impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on individuals, families, businesses, societies, and countries as infection rates escalate around the world and here in South Africa. The first death resulting to Covid-19 infection has been recorded in South Africa President Cyril Ramaposa announced a 21 days total lockdown effective from 26th March until […]
As all of you know that we are confronted by the Covid-19/ Corona virus that has hit the world and caused unprecedented levels of concern. With a few additional cases of Coronavirus cases is being report almost everyday, a National state of Disaster has been declared in South Africa, so naturally the anxiety level are […]
Last year was a great year of reflection and celebration on the things that Hokisa has achieved over the years and still strive for excellence in service delivery. With the children back to school and settling into their new grades and schools, the adults are also familiarizing themselves with the changes as well as assisting […]
Christmas is a time where family and friends come together and celebrate life. At Hokisa we try our best to give the home that extra Christmas look by decorating the interior of our main house. The Hokisa family would like to wish you all a happy and safe festive holiday and a prosperous 2020.